# SSH - Multiple Devices from devices file from netmiko import ConnectHandler with open('devices.txt') as routers: for IP in routers: Router = { 'device_type': 'cisco_ios', 'ip': IP, 'username': 'roger', 'password': 'cisco' } net_connect = ConnectHandler(**Router) hostname = net_connect.send_command('show run | i host') hostname.split(" ") hostname,device = hostname.split(" ") print ("Backing up " + device) filename = '/home/roger/python-scripts-for-network-engineers/backups/' + device + '.txt' # save backup in same folder as script use below line and comment out above line # filename = device + '.txt' showrun = net_connect.send_command('show run') showvlan = net_connect.send_command('show vlan') showver = net_connect.send_command('show ver') log_file = open(filename, "a") # in append mode log_file.write(showrun) log_file.write("\n") log_file.write(showvlan) log_file.write("\n") log_file.write(showver) log_file.write("\n") # Finally close the connection net_connect.disconnect()